Images of the file types JPG, JPEG, PNG, BMP, GIF and WEBP are supported.

No, you can only view images if the owner provides you the URL.

Each file must be 10MB or smaller.

  • images are stored without membership for ( 120 ) days
  • images are stored when registering membership for ( 180 ) days

Yes, you should always backup your files.

There are no limits (fair use).

We are the best service possible. We use high quality hardware on a high quality network.

To delete the file you downloaded, you must use the "delete link" that appeared to you after the download process. If you have lost the "delete link" of the file, you can wait for the file to finish as it will be automatically removed from the site.

Thumbnails on your "My Images" and "My Galleries" pages are displayed as squares to preserve the layout.

If you need further assistance, please send an email to support contact-us and our Technical team will do everything possible to resolve the issue.

The cost of membership is completely free and no payment is required to use the site


You don't have to be a member to upload images, but you can't control the uploaded links until you register.